Animating Colorful Social Caption

Animating Colorful Social Caption


Compatible: Premiere Pro CC 2018+ and Adobe Premiere Rush (new app)

Import .mogrt into your Essential Graphics Panel.


  • Responsive to landscape, square and vertical sequences

  • Responsive design, shapes adapt to size of text

  • Responsive time, in and out animations adapt to graphic duration

  • Customize color, size, and font type

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preview_mogrt.gif Final 80s Retro Title Render (1).gif

80s Retro Title .mogrt for Premiere Pro

Free Stylish Title (Motion Graphics Template) Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 8.43.35 PM.png

Free Stylish Title (Motion Graphics Template)


Helvetica Motion Graphics Typography Pack

Preview3.gif Preview2.gif

Count Down Timer .mogrt

Animated Social Media Icon Pack (Color & Grayscale) v2.gif

Animated Social Media Icon Pack (Color & Grayscale)
